Gone to Soon - Lyrics

by Daughtry

Today could have been the day
That you’d blow out your candles
Make a wish as you closed your eyes
Today could have been the day
Everybody was laughing
Instead I just sit here and cry

Who would you be?
What would you look like
When you looked at me for the very first time?
Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you
I’m always asking why this crazy world had to lose
Such a ray of light, we never knew
Gone too soon yeah, yeah, yeah

Would you have been president?
Or a painter, an author
Who sang like your mother
One thing is evident
Would have given all I had
Would have loved you like no other

Who would you be?
What would you look like?
Would you have my smile and her eyes?
Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you
I’m always asking why this crazy world had to lose
Such a ray of light, we never knew
Gone too soon yeah, yeah, yeah

Not a day goes by
I’m always asking why

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you
I’m always asking why this crazy world had to lose
Such a beautiful light, we never knew
Gone too soon
You were gone too soon

Not a day goes by
That I don’t think of you

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View our list of 200+ funeral songs.

Need more inspiration for your funeral songs playlist? View our list of 200+ funeral songs.

Protect your loved ones,

Get your own
Affairs in Order
Before it is too late

Protect your loved ones,

Get your own
Affairs in Order
Before it is too late

Protect your loved ones &

Get your Own
Affairs in Order
Before it is too late!

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, all come from earth, and to earth all return.

Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust,
all come from earth,
and to earth all return.